Add categories and tags in bulk

You may need to update categories or tags for multiple posts at a time, either because you realized a bunch were missing or you thought of a new tag you wanted to use.

Rather than go through all the posts one by one, try this;

Let’s say you wanted to add the tag “email” to all your posts that mention email marketing tips.

From the main “Posts” screen, use the “Search Posts” feature to find all posts with the keyword “email.”

On the results page, place a checkmark next to each of the posts that warrant the “email” tag.

Click the “Bulk Actions” dropdown at the top of the page. Choose “Edit.”

A “Bulk Edit” menu will appear.

You can now change the categories, tags, author, comments/pingbacks, post status, and sticky settings for all the posts you have selected.

Implementation: 2 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Tools #Wordpress #Editing