Aligning Search Intent to Content Upgrades

Objective: Increase the number of people downloading content upgrades when they’ve come through to content from organic search.

How: Identify the pages on your website that deliver the most organic search traffic, ideally top-of-the-funnel content like blog articles. You can do this within your analytics platform.

Once you’ve found the top performing content from organic search, use Google Search Console to find which keywords are being searched for most to discover and land on the content.

Google Search Console

It's easy to do this within Search Console - just filter down on each page using the built-in filter and then select to view the Queries for that URL. You'll then get a list like in the above screenshot.

Now that you know what people are searching for to get to your content, you know what they actually want. This is important because you can now create a content upgrade, with the purpose of capturing contact information in return for access that relates directly to one of these keywords.

In the above screenshot I show a page that ranks really well for "tuna salad recipe". A logical content upgrade would be a downloadable PDF tuna salad recipe card.

We scaled this specific test across around 80 different pages on the HubSpot blog and saw an average increase in conversion rate of over 200%.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 3/10
#Content marketing #Acquisition