Answer Quora Questions

Objective: Generate qualified referral traffic through to your website by answering relevant questions on

How: For those of you that haven't used Quora before, it's a question-based social network. In short, lots of people ask lots of questions, then lots of people answer those questions. The questions and answers span across all kinds of topics, from the meaning of life through to what happens when you don't cut grass.

The opportunity from an acquisition point of view is to funnel traffic through to your content by commenting on questions that your content answers. Jason Lemkin, CEO of SaaStr, has answered over 2,000 questions on Quora and generates over 1,000,000 (yes, 1 million) views on them every month.

SaaStr Quora Stats

Here's how you can go about scoping out the right question to answer that will get you the largest return on your time.

  1. Log in to SEMrush and do a search on
  2. Navigate to the "Organic Research" tab under "Domain Analytics".
  3. You'll now have a list of top ranking questions on Quora (within the search engines). Run a search for a keyword related to your content. For example, "SaaS".
  4. Now sort the results in descending order by search volume.

Using SEMrush for Quora research

You'll now have a list of all the relevant questions on Quora (within the URL column) that drive regular organic search traffic. These are the questions that you can prioritize for answering.

When it comes to actually answering the questions, try to avoid just posting a link to your content. That won't fly with the Quora moderators and they'll remove your answer in no time at all (trust me, I know).

It's okay to put links within your answers but try not to do this too much. Every answer you publish should have inherent value without having to visit anything else. It's also worth building up some goodwill within the community by answering some questions without any links at all. This is really a longer term play, but as is shown above, it can pay off big-time.

Implementation: 3 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 3/10
#Social #Acquisition