Email Marketing

Many businesses may think that email marketing is only best used when communicating with existing prospects and customers. Not so! Email can be a great channel for new lead generation. Here are some ways you can use email to generate more new prospects:

  • Focus on an opt-in strategy. If you’re buying email lists and spamming your prospects, no one will want to share your email with others. They will only want to unsubscribe! The first step to email lead generation is to make sure you have happy subscribers that enjoy receiving emails from you.
  • Send people valuable offers. If you send really interesting or valued offers - whether it’s downloads, discounts or educational content - people will more likely share your emails with their friends or colleagues.
  • Give people the tools to share. Don’t forget to add a “Forward to a Friend” link or social media sharing buttons within each email so people are encouraged to pass it on.

Implementation: 5 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 6/10
#Email Marketing #Lead Generation #Acquisition