a user can literally give your their email address without actually typing their email address! 

Here is what a Lead Generation card looks like…

List building with lead generation cards

When the person clicks the CTA they’ll see a download button with all their information pre-populated:

List building with lead generation cards

The email address is pulled directly from your Twitter account contact information. 

With a single click, the user’s information - name, Twitter handle and email address - will be passed to you. You can collect a person’s email address directly within the Twitter timeline. 

By default, this information will be saved in Twitter Ads for you to export later as a CSV and upload into your email service provider. 

As a marketer, we want to have leads automatically placed into a segmented autoresponder ready to nurture readers to the point of sale.

Luckily, there is a way to do this if your email service provider has an integration with Twitter. 

Head back over to the Twitter Ads platform and select “cards” from the dropdown:

List building with lead generation cards

Once you have the Card message, image and Call-to-action button filled out:

Lead generation card details

Open the Data Settings dropdown. 

Enter your submit URL - the end point to your CRM or automation system.

If you use Mailchimp, navigate to the “Signup Forms” tab and select “Form Integrations”:

Mailchimp form integrations

Copy the Submit URL value and paste it into the corresponding field in the Data Settings tab on Twitter. 

Make sure the “HTTP method” is set to “POST”:

Finally, you want to provide the custom key names for the user data you want to map to the different fields in your email list.


Implementation: 3 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#email Email List Lead Generation