Let Wordpress do the heavy lifting when finding internal links

We love to build internal links from our new articles to those in our archives. In the past, this led to a ton of “site:blog.bufferapp.com keyword” searches in Google to find suitable content.

But a far better way exists.

Inside the dialog box to insert/edit a link, there’s an easily-missed option lurking at the bottom – “Or link to existing content.”


The dialog box expands to show all the posts and pages you’ve ever written on your blog and a search field to find just the ones you’re looking for.

Start typing, and the results start automatically sorting to help you find exactly what you need.

Click the post you want to link to and WordPress automatically copies that post into the URL and Title fields up above.

Implementation: 1 hour
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 3/10
#Tools #Wordpress