Looking for a specific title topic? Use this – “intitle:”

When it comes to promoting content, you often need to find other content on a specific topic. Alternatively, you may need to find a certain type of article (e.g. a list, a summary, etc.) for research purposes.

One option to find these is the “intitle:” search operator.

Just like the “site:” operator, you can append a search after the colon. Google will only return results of pages that have that search in the title rather than the meta description or title tags.

For example, the search query:

intitle:”email marketing tips”

will bring up results where the exact phrase “email marketing tips” is in the title rather than the title tags:


You need to be careful with this operator.

If you use it without quotations in this particular situation:

intitle:email marketing tips

Google will bring up search engine results where “email” is always in the title, but marketing and tips are just mentioned somewhere else on the page whether it be the content, title tags, or anchor text.


So, that leaves us with one final problem.

What if you want to guarantee that an exact match shows in the search results? What if you are seeking specific words in a title, but you don’t care what order they are in?

That’s when you would use the operator multiple times, like this:

intitle:email intitle:marketing intitle:tips

Most of the time, just using the operator once will suffice, but if you want to be 100% sure of your results from the search engines, break it down like I did in this example.

Implementation: 5 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 4/10