First, I remind the reader of the benefits of signing up:

Optimizing the email confirmation page

Think about it… 

“Free updates, SEO tips, list building and traffic generation strategies” is much more compelling than the “in order to be added to our list click the link below to confirm you email list”. 

Second, I visually walk the subscriber through the exact steps they need to take to confirm their email address:

Third, I include a strong call to action.

These written and visual cues will help simplify the process and motivate the user to complete the action.

Pro Tip: Make sure you have forms set up so users are IMMEDIATELY redirected to the confirmation page as soon as they enter their information.

How do you know if the confirmation page is performing well? 
As with anything in marketing, you will want to test and optimize this page to boost conversions.

One way to measure the effectiveness of the page is to configure a Google Analytics goal conversion funnel so you can see exactly how many people abandon the signup process.

Head over to Google Analytics, click the “Admin” tab and navigate to the “Goals” section:

Setting up Google Analytics goal funnels for list building

Click “New Goal”. 

Give it a name and select the “Destination” goal type:

Google analytics goal funnel setup

Enter the URL path of the page users land on after confirming their email address. 

Activate the “Funnel”. 

Enter the path of the page people are redirected to right after they enter their email address.

Make sure “Required?” is toggled on:

Hit “Create Goal”. 

Now, you’ll be able to see what percentage of people entering their email actually click the link in the confirmation email.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Email List #Conversion #email