Rank #1 in Google With This SEO Copywriting Secret

You can generate boatloads of extra organic traffic when you also brand your techniques and strategies.

For example:

You’ve probably heard about The Skyscraper Technique, my 3-step strategy for getting more organic traffic to your site.

Because I branded my strategy “The Skyscraper Technique”, I now have a pipeline of extra visitors coming to my site everyday.

In fact, according to Google Search Console, the keyword “Skyscraper Technique” gets 1,103 searches per month:

Because I rank #1, #2 AND #3 for that keyword, I get the lion’s share of those 1,103 clicks:

Bottom line?

Whenever you develop a unique strategy, tactic, or technique…

make sure you slap a branded name on it. 

When you do, you’ll get a bunch of extra organic search traffic.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#Conversion Copywriting SEO