Look at 3 things:

  1. WHO are your top competitors. 
  2. WHERE do they get their traffic. 
  3. HOW are they converting visitors into subscribers. 

Once you’re armed with this knowledge you'll have a proven strategy to build off… 

And have a MUCH greater chance of success. 

How do you find all that information? 

Let’s take a look.

1. WHO are your most successful competitors? 

Head over to Google and type “top [niche] blogs”:

Reverse engineering competitor list building

Write down a list of 5-10. 

Next, open up SEMrush and enter your domain’s URL:

Look at the competitors report to see a list of the sites ranking in the top 20 results for common keywords:

Semrush organic competitors report

Filter by "common keywords" to see which sites are ranking in the top 20 organic search results for the same keywords as your site. 
Make a list of the top 5 sites.

2. WHERE do they get traffic from? 

Open SimilarWeb and enter the URL of a competitor.

Search the traffic source report and see which channels are sending them the most traffic.

Similar web traffic source report

This is where you should focus your initial traffic generation efforts. 

3. HOW are competitors converting visitors into subscribers? 

Manually look over your competitor’s site. 

Pay close attention to the following:

  • Form types 
  • Messaging 
  • Lead magnets 
  • Form triggers

Next, enter the URL into

This will show you all the tools competitors are using to optimize their website and run paid ad campaigns. 

See if your competitors are using retargeting… 

And if so, which channels:

Builtwith competitor analysis for list building

Once you’ve collected this information you’ll be armed with a proven formula to drive traffic and build your email list

Implementation: 3 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#Email List #Conversion #email