Skyrocket Time On Page With This Intro Formula

The APP Method.

Here’s what it looks like:

As you can see in the graphic, “APP” stands for: Agree, Promise, and Preview.

Let’s break each element down:

First, we have Agree.

Start your introduction off with an idea or concept that a Google searcher will agree with.

This shows them that you understand their problem.

Here’s an example from my post on creating a Social Squeeze page.

That’s something people searching for my target keyword (“squeeze page”) know to be true.

Now that you’ve got them nodding their head in agreement, it’s time for the Promise.

The Promise is where you give them a peek into a better world.

Here’s an example from my Social Squeeze Page Post:

Finally, hit them with The Preview.

Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell them exactly what you have in store for them.

Once you put the finishing touches on The Preview, you’re set.

Implementation: 3 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#Conversion Copywriting SEO