Ever asked an expert how to increase your conversion rate… 
And got this answer: 
“Use social proof.” 

Here are a few ways I manage to source great testimonials:


Monitor your Twitter mentions and see if people are commenting on the quality of your work or the content in your newsletter.

Write an epic guest post

I recently wrote a monster guest post for Sumome.

And asked Noah Kagan for a testimonial for the blog:

Noah Kagan testimonial


If you guest post on a large publication that gets a load of comments, use one of those comments as a testimonial.

It doesn’t have to come from your site.
Just ask for permission. Most people will be happy for you to feature them on your site.

Tap your email list

Send out an email and ask readers to give you feedback. 

At the end of the day, anyone can throw a number on the board.

But, you can’t fake a credible testimonial from a real person.

That’s why testimonials are often the most powerful form of social proof.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 3/10
#Email List #Conversion #email