Tag IG photos with CTA locations to increase profile traffic

Instagram has become a hot spot to market brands.  One thing you might have noticed is that many brands often include things like, "link in bio," "link in profile," or "follow us" in their photo descriptions.

This is obviously a call-to-action to try and drive followers to their profile page where they can click through the provided link.  

However, research suggests that this type of call-to-action has not been very successful.  Part of the reason could be that followers don't notice the "link in bio" note in time before they scroll onto the next photo.  Having these CTA's in the photo description is not the best way to catch the readers attention.

Instead, use location call-to-actions.  Instagram has a location feature that can be very helpful for acquiring followers.  All you do is tag your photo with one of the following custom location tags:

  • Link in Profile — Location is made up in San Francisco, CA
  • Link in Bio — Location is somewhere in Phoenix, AZ
  • Follow Us — Random locations all over the world

When you publish a post with these custom location tags, followers will see it right under your username, not in the post description! Hence, making it more obvious and inviting for the reader to visit your page.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 3/10
#Tag IG Photo CTA Acquisition