Provide an easy way to turn these folks into email subscribers… 

There are a couple ways to do this, and it only takes a couple minutes:

1. Comment Redirect Plugin 

If you’re using the native commenting system in WordPress, you can install the Comment Redirect plugin and it will redirect first-time commenters to a page of your choice. 

Thank the reader for commenting and ask them to subscribe to your email list.

List building with comment redirects

Another option is to use the Yoast Comment Hacks plugin.

2. Subscribers Magnet 

Allow readers to opt-in to your email list directly from the comment box. 

Here is an example from Brian Dean’s blog:

When a reader checks the box and leaves a comment, they are automatically added to your email list. 

If you get a lot of blog comments, this strategy can quickly add hundreds of subscribers to your email list.

Implementation: 3 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Email List #Conversion #email