Use Landing Pages

The single biggest mistake people make with this strategy is not driving people back to dedicated landing pages. Notice that my byline (above) links directly to my newsletter page.

I intentionally drive people to this page because there is nothing else they can do except sign up for the email list. In a typical month, this page will convert between 79 to 81 percent and send over 2,500 email signups. 

Why does this page convert so well? Is it the world’s best copy? Is it the world’s best design?

Nope. It has very little to do with the design or copy. It’s because I am sending qualified and motivated traffic to that page.

Think about it. If you just finished reading an article from me, then you are already qualified. You don’t need to spend 10 minutes clicking around my site and getting to know me. You just read an entire article from me. Of course you enjoy the content. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have finished reading.

For that reason, you should drive people straight to a landing page where they can join rather than linking to your homepage and hoping they find the email form in your sidebar. 

Implementation: 6 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Guest Post #Acquisition