Using Guest Posts to Reach Your Target Audience

So for the next 5 weeks even if you have already tried it, just do what I say and report back the results.

Trust the system.

Even when things don’t work, it’s the chance to learn why so you can improve.

So far you have:

  1. Set a singular goal
  2. Figured out who your customer is
  3. Setup email collection so you can talk with your customers
  4. Developed a free giveaway to attract more emails and customers

From now on you’ll focus on WHERE your customers are.

Imagine this: If you had an apartment for rent. Where’s the first place you’d think to list it?

I bet 92% of you thought of Craigslist.

It’s where renters go to find a place to live in.

And wouldn’t you post it on your local Craiglist? No reason to post on Berlin’s Craiglist if you’re living in Austin, TX.

* * *

Now let’s do the same for your own business.

Close your eyes and imagine completely taking over 3 SMALL blogs (only sites with < 25k uniques a month). You are a pirate and get 100% access to their audience. Which 3 sites would you take over? Now the fun begins 

 Activity Week 5: Guest Posting

A) Leave a comment listing the 3 SMALL sites you’d love to guest post on!

B) Search their websites on

How to exactly do it:

C) Use the template below to send an email to those 3 people:


Subject: Hey {site owners first name}


Really enjoyed your post about {title of article you like on their site}.

That article taught me {personal benefit about that article}.

I’ve noticed your most popular articles are

1- {#1 you found from BuzzSumo}

2- {#2 you found from BuzzSumo}

Anyway, I wrote a post about {pick topic related to #1 and #2}

Love to send it for you to review and exclusively post it on your site if you deem it worthy enough.


Rock on,

{Your first name}

D) If they want the post, go write a REALLY great post. The guest post for them should be better than what you post for your own site.

IF they say no, ask them, “Thanks {first name}, I still love your stuff and if you don’t mind can you let me know what type of guest post you would promote? – Be super, {your first name}”

E) Include a BYLINE in your guest post

Implementation: 6 hours
Effectiveness: 3/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#Guest Post #Acquisition