Viral Content: Add a Colorful Image Above the Fold

Xerox found that colorful visuals made people 80% more likely to read a document.



When you add a colorful image to the top of your post, you INSTANTLY make your content more compelling.

That’s why I almost always include a colorful image at the top every blog post, like this:

And this:

Pro Tip: Make sure your image doesn’t push the content below the fold.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

That image of the guy running looks cool.

But it’s so big that it pushes the content below the fold.

And your reader has to scroll to read line #1, you’re going to notice a lot more bounces the next time you check Google Analytics.

Instead of an overbearing image, align your image left or right, like this:

That way you get the power of the colorful image…without hiding your content.

Implementation: 6 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 5/10
#Viral Content #Acquisition