Viral Content: Images=More Credibility

A Claremont University study found that images — any images — boosted content credibility by 75%.



The results from this study were REALLY interesting.

Here’s how it went down:

The researchers showed people two versions of the same statement.

In version #1 the statement was text-only, like this:

(By the way, these are actual images that I pulled from the study)

Version #2 also had the same statement…with an image:

Amazingly, people saw statement #2 as 75% more credible.

By the way, Mona Lisa does have eyebrows…I looked it up 🙂

Here’s the takeaway from this research:

People aren’t going to share content unless they think it’s credible.

And when you include an image– any image — you give your content’s credibility a shot in the arm.

In fact:

Whenever I use a statistic in a blog post, I include a screenshot. The screenshots make my stats more credible.

So instead of saying, “I increased my traffic by 111%” and leaving it at that…

…I’ll show a screenshot of my Google Analytics:

But what if you’re not in an industry where screenshots make sense?


ANY image will do.

Let’s say you wanted to convince people that blueberries reduce cancer risk. You’d include an image of blueberries with your statement:

And you’re set.

Implementation: 6 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Viral Content #Acquisition