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Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given up on sharing a piece of content because I had trouble...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
A few years ago I had a problem: I’d go back to update and upgrade an old blog post. And despi...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
It’s unlikely that Google uses keyword density as a ranking factor. But there is no doubt in m...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
This may or may not be a direct Google ranking factor. That said, easy-to-find privacy policy ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Google used to limit title tag length based on the number of characters it contained. Today? T...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Yes, your homepage usually has a ton of authority. But in general, homepages are a huge pain i...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Several industry studies (including ours) have found a correlation between long content and highe...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I recently did this and it doubled my organic search engine traffic. And it’s a practice that ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
It’s easy to overthink internal linking. Here’s the simple system I use: Link FROM high-aut...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Google states that they want your title tags to be: “descriptive and concise”. Unfortunately, as ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Shorter URLs are better for users and search engines. Also, our analysis of 1 million Google s...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Ever think to yourself: “I wish more people would share my content!”? Then you’ll love this SE...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Our search engine ranking factors study found that in-depth content significantly outperformed sh...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Here’s the deal: Google can’t actually see what’s in an image. Instead, they use image metadat...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Here’s a huge mistake a see a lot of people make with link building: They email someone asking...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Most universities have a page that links to scholarships, like this: And when you create o...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Let’s face it: Producing awesome content is hard work. But it’s a lot easier with a partner. ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Earlier this year I published the largest search engine ranking factors study ever. And it was...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Expert roundups are a collection of opinions and tips from a group of experts. And you get a n...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I’ve seen glossaries CRUSH IT in several different industries. For example, this glossary of g...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
It’s harder than ever to publish a successful infographic. Infographics used to be novel. Toda...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
What happens when you combine The Skyscraper Technique with traditional guest posting? Accordi...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Those 400-word posts from two years ago aren’t doing you any favors (in fact, they may be hurting...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
BuzzSumo discovered that infographics generate significantly more social shares than your average...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Google’s Matt Cutts has said that nofollow links can’t hurt you (unless you’re hardcore spamming)...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
The #1 ranking signal we found in our recent ranking factors study was the number of sites linkin...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
In a boring niche? Then you might think that there’s no way you can create content that people wi...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I’ve tried a bunch of site speed plugins over the years. And WP Rocket is my current favorite. ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Sure, exact match anchor text can help you rank for a specific keyword. But too many exact mat...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I get this question all the time: “Brian, what’s the minimum PA/DA/Trustflow/SiteAuthority tha...