Unlocking Growth Together

Bite-sized snacks anyone can use implement to grow their business.

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Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
If you find a strategy for “easy links”… …run the other way as fast as you can. Seriously. ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
If you want a fresh set of link opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else, check out Twitte...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Have you ever wondered: “Will this link actually boost my rankings?” In my experience conte...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
As an ex-Google employee once said: “…relevance is the new PR [PageRank].” Yes, link metrics (...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Ever use email outreach for link building? Then you’ve no doubt come across the dreaded “out of o...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Podcasts might be the most underrated link building strategy on the planet. Unlike guest posti...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
You want to get mentions from news sites like the Huffington Post. Reporters want quotes from ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
In a perfect world, everyone would link back to you when they use your chart or infographic Bu...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
30,000 websites are hacked every day (source). And most of these website owners have no idea t...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Want some easy shares (and even a potential backlink) from your next piece of content? Let peo...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Yes, actually USE your site on a mobile device. You’d be surprised how many UX issues you’ll u...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
White hat link building is all about email outreach. And the more you learn about this critica...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Content marketing rookie: “I create content that appeals to my target customer”. Content marke...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Resource pages are a link builder’s dream. I mean, these are pages designed for the sole purpo...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Resource pages are a link builder’s dream. I mean, these are pages designed for the sole purpo...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Create a fat discount for university students and staff. Then let them know about it. When you...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
When someone leaves a comment on a post you know a few things about them: First, they’re knowl...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
If you want people to share your content, here’s what to do: First, find people that recently ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Forget Facebook. Forget Twitter. If you want people to see your latest piece of content, pr...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
I’ve found that people are MUCH more likely to change a brand new post than one they published fi...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Contact forms and “contact@” email are the bane of a link builder’s existence. 9 times outta 1...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Is this a lot of work for a single link? You betcha. Fortunately, speaking at events has fistf...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Reverse guest posting is where you get an authoritative blogger to write a guest post for YOUR si...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Most people send their link pitch in their first email. But I’ve found that a two-step email o...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
First, use a tool like Buzzsumo alerts to get a heads up whenever your brand is mentioned on the ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
When I first started link building I’d send outreach emails whenever I felt like it. Big mista...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Offer a blogger an audio version of their post…or a text version of their podcast or video. Wo...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Whenever you find a resource that would be valuable to a global audience, send the author a trans...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
Whenever you find a piece of content that’s good — but outdated — offer to give it a fresh coat o...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
First, find someone in your niche that tends to guest post a lot. Second, grab their image and...