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Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
The one problem with the full-screen editor? It’s way too wide. To change the width: ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
You can avoid clicking altogether and insert your Read More tag in milliseconds. Here’s ho...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
Correct button to click for Read More is a little elusive, the hyperlink button is so obvious and...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
If you manage a blog with multiple team members, you could save yourself a bit of time – and any ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
While you’re poking around the “Publish” module in the post editor, you’ll also come across the “...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
Shortcodes are special tags you can insert in the body of your post which act as a kind of shorth...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
Shortcodes are simpler than HTML code. Auto-embeds are simpler than shortcodes. With auto-e...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
The WordPress dashboard throws a lot of information at you, and sometimes it can be a little over...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
Just like with the WordPress dashboard, you can show or hide different sections of your post edit...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
You may have multiple WordPress drafts in development at the same time. It’s easy enough to ge...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
Here’s how you can use Udemy to make your next piece of content 2-3x more compelling: 1. Head ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
As soon as you start writing a WordPress post, it receives a category. Unless you’ve changed the ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
You may need to update categories or tags for multiple posts at a time, either because you realiz...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
You may need to update categories or tags for multiple posts at a time, either because you realiz...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
With giants like Amazon littering the first page, it’s not easy running an ecommerce site to prac...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
That is one of my favorite phrases I learned from the folks at MarketingExperiements. Often times...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
Defined: The tendency to avoid options for which missing information makes the probability seem “...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
A call-to-action is meant to stand out, so if your CTA blends in too much with your site design, ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Acquisition
CTAs shouldn’t be one size fits all. If your company offers various products or services, you may...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
Put on your graphic designer’s hat – resizing, re-previewing, and rechecking until the image is f...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
A post excerpt can appear in your RSS feed and in various other places around your blog, such as ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
If you’re maintaining more than one blog at a time, it’s easy to get confused between them and wo...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
If you’re using WordPress comments on your posts (rather than a system like Disqus), anonymous us...
Tomiwa Adey
in Tech
This one’s a great hack for getting maximum value out of your RSS feed. Add the following code to...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
Defined: The tendency to rely too heavily, or “anchor,” on one trait or piece of information when...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
When people stick on your page like superglue, Google thinks: “This is a great page. Let’s give i...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
The APP Method. Here’s what it looks like: As you can see in the graphic, “APP” stands ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
Today’s super-smart Google doesn’t care how many times you cram a keyword into your article. I...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
The higher you rank, the more clicks you get, right? Follow these 2 simple steps: 01. Take ...
Tomiwa Adey
in Conversion
You probably already know that subheadings make your content MUCH easier to read. But what you...