
Quora is a destination, along with SlideShare (or LinkedIn for that matter), where you can grow your brand and position yourself as an authority.

Answering questions on Quora is pretty straight forward.

After you publish a blog post, go to Quora and find questions related to your blog post by typing in the keyword or related keywords into the search box.

Answer questions on Quora

You can automate this using an IFTTT recipe, just as Daria from dapulse explains quite elegantly in this post.

Automating Quora with IFTTT

Pro tip: Choose questions that a lot of people want answers to. Be as helpful as you can, but don't publish the whole post. Post a summary of your post. If people want to read the full post, they need to visit your blog or website for the rest.

Implementation: 4 hours
Effectiveness: 4/5
Difficulty: 4/10
#Content marketing #Acquisition